
'A cutting-edge program that has demonstrated remarkable success'

I am honored to wholeheartedly recommend the Trait Based Model of Recovery, a cutting-edge program that has demonstrated remarkable success in aiding individuals with substance use disorders. As the Executive Director of Elemental Recovery, I have had the privilege of witnessing the profound impact of this innovative model on SUD community participants. This evidence-based approach goes beyond traditional methods, leveraging individual traits and strengths to create a tailored and effective recovery experience. The program's commitment to evidence-based practices ensures that participants benefit from the latest research in addiction treatment, fostering an environment conducive to sustainable recovery.

The Trait Based Model of Recovery stands out for its unwavering dedication to innovation in programming. By integrating the latest insights from behavioral science and psychology, the program continually evolves to meet the diverse needs of our participants. The emphasis on leadership strategies, rooted in evidence-based principles, has proven instrumental in achieving positive outcomes. Participants consistently report not only breaking free from the grip of substance use but also discovering newfound resilience and purpose in their lives. I proudly endorse the Trait Based Model for its commitment to advancing the field of SUD recovery through evidence-based, innovative, and leadership-based programming.

Dr. Ryan Joseph Allen, Ed.D., MBA
Executive Director, Elemental Recovery

'The Trait-Based Model of Recovery puts the power back into individual's hands'

Before finding the Trait-Based Model of Recovery, I basically thought of addiction treatment as working on what is wrong and repeating failed attempts to undo a terrible disease. My years of working in the field have taught me so much more, and I can honestly say the Trait-Based Model of Recovery is the best concept that has come along since the creation of 12-steps. It's like a shining light.

Having had the opportunity to witness the changes to the addiction field over the years, I can honestly say this model has the potential to be incredibly beneficial over many other modalities. It knows the poor choices made by individuals while they were using and builds upon the positives that were always there internally. The beauty of this model is that it works so well with established methods such as the 12-step program, or it can stand strong on its own. This model empowers individuals and it is my firmest belief that only by a realization of the inherent power within oneself, that someone can determine their own fate.

This model puts the power back into the individual's hands. By using these practices they could get to know and accept themselves while learning to use their strengths constructively instead of using their shadows and substance use as coping skills. It can give them the purpose in life they were looking for, which has always been deeper than just being in recovery.

If you are beginning the journey of implementing the Trait-Based Model of Recovery, please know you are not just learning skills, you are becoming a catalyst for change and hope in the lives of those you will serve. The program and this Facilitator Guidebook can be used within treatment centers, outpatient services, court systems, schools, private practice and many other settings which makes it the perfect model to relate to the individuals we serve."

Alexander Willams, MSW
Founder and Co-Owner, Sparc Recovery

‘This Model is Extremely Effective’

Dr Roop’s Trait-Based Model of Recovery is a program I wish I’d had in early recovery. This greatly needed curriculum and philosophy is ideal for anyone striving for a life purpose and meaning in recovery. Speaking from my own personal experience and in what I’ve observed in many others, feelings of shame, guilt, remorse can be so powerful that we can conclude that there is a terminal “badness” about ourselves that we must keep locked away and definitely out of sight.

This program challenges those notions by reintroducing us to our personal characteristics (i.e. traits) and see them on a continuum, rather that as something that is permanently labeled “good” or “bad”. More importantly, this program is extremely effective because its principles are practiced in novel and numerous ways in both group and individual settings - the epitome of treatment in action.

After being introduced to this revolutionary program, I had a realization about my own recovery - It took me six years in recovery (I have 10 now) to value my own personal characteristics ultimately as leadership strengths, which in turn gave me the confidence to found our recovery program Grin Grant Inc.

Six years of shame and doubt is a very long time and fortunately I was able to retain continuous abstinence. For this reason, amongst many others, we are tremendously excited and grateful to incorporate the Trait-Based Model of Recovery into Grin Grant Inc. programming.

Mary Helen Shashy,
Founder, Grin Grant.org

‘An Emerging Light in SUD Treatment’

Before discovering the Trait-Based Model, my perception of SUD treatment was centered around fixing what was wrong, viewing addiction as a daunting, and complex challenge to face. However, this model emerged as a shining light, offering a refreshing perspective. It goes beyond addressing flaws and instead focuses on recognizing and building upon the inherent strengths within each individual.

Having witnessed the changes in the addiction field over the years, I am convinced that this model has the potential to be a game-changer. Its adaptability is one of its standout features – seamlessly integrating with established methods like the 12-step program, while facilitates self-discovery and acceptance. The beauty of the Trait-Based Model lies in its ability to empower individuals, giving them back control over their lives, without the lens of judgment or fear. This model also encourages the use of personal strengths to overcome substance abuse, it provides a sense of purpose beyond mere recovery, offering a deeper understanding of oneself. The power to effect positive change is placed firmly in the hands of the individual. If you are considering incorporating this model into your work, know that you are not just learning skills; you are becoming a beacon of change and hope in the lives of those seeking recovery.

The Trait-Based Model of Recovery is not just a program; it's a dynamic and empowering approach that has the potential to redefine the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) ecosystem. Thank you for your commitment to making a meaningful impact through this innovative and personal approach to recovery.

Will Dawson, M.Ed.
Vice President
Elemental Recovery

‘I went from Kingpin to Manager!’

I have read and implemented your first book in my life and it has been an amazing life for me!! I can't thank you enough for all you have done in my life just by writing it!!

Your ideas and insights have truly opened a new portal for addicts who are wanting to get clean and stay clean everywhere by using their strengths for good. I'm so proud of you and Amanda!!

went from being a night time Kingpin drug runner to a night time manager over A nationwide chain store. All because of my Trait-Based strength leadership!

Amanda K.